
Books & Reference Guides

We will list some of our humble writings related to our spiritual journeys. We will focus on more contemplative writings for practicing Christians. The books are published on-demand. If you need a copy in our locale, let our clergy know and they might be able to give you a copy. Other books meant for group workshops are usually distributed by our clergy for free to our parishioners.

Current Writing Projects

We are working on a Christian fiction about the relationship of parish priests and people in adversity. We may also compile some past homilies into a book.

Tweets of a humble pilgrim – a journey of struggling towards God

This is the small book based on a personal reflection from 2009 to 2012, with succinct thoughts penned on Twitter, and compiled. The central theme is about the journey towards theosis, struggling to find the narrow and challenging path towards the partaking of the Divine Nature, and a constant yearning of learning from the holy fathers among the saints.
Available on-demand – US$7.18 (at cost).

Spiritual Lessons from the Journeys of the Pilgrim

This is the small book based on our month-long journey to reflect on our readings of “The Way of a Pilgrim”, “The Pilgrim continues his way”, writings of St Seraphim of Sarov, and the Didache. 186 pages. This book currently reflects the personal journey and faith of Fr Raphael.
Available on-demand – US$8.26 (at cost).

Spiritual Exercises workbook

We developed a small workbook (and a larger instructor’s version) based on the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises (Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of “The Society of Jesus”, or the Jesuits). We have used this in spiritual direction, and also small workshops for pastors and laity, to reflect on our relationship with God, and to develop spiritual discipline on a daily basis. 87 pages. This is an older work and may not reflect our current faith.

Seminary writings

You can find Fr Raphael’s earlier seminary and post-seminary writings in his humble book, “Contemplative Thoughts of an Asian Seminarian” (236 pages). Paperback (ISBN 978-0-6152-1169-5, US$12.44) is available. Hardcover (ISBN 978-0-6152-0800-8, US$29.44) has been retired. These are revised versions with new content on monasticism and matrimony. The book covers briefly topics on denominations, contemplation, early Christian thought, CS Lewis, theology, charismas, sacraments, Constantine, matrimony, monasticism, discipleship, syncretism, ecumenism, persuasion, Matteo Ricci and evangelism in the East. Much of what was written then may no longer apply to Fr Raphael’s current journey.

Mobile & Web Apps

St Gregory Palamas Mission was our humble ministry to develop interactive content and reference materials for the faithful, including e-books, mobile content and apps, etc. These apps are very humble attempts to bring prayer and contemplative content into a mobile format for portability, so that the faithful will have ready access to faith materials anywhere. As one of the beloved Serbian saints, Saint Nikolai Velimerovich, once said, “We must be super-conservative in preserving the Orthodox faith, and super-modern in propagating it.”

All our former native apps such as “Journeys of the Pilgrim” (iOS), “PilgrimApp™” (iOS/Android), “PrayDaily™” (iOS/Android), “AsianSeminarian™” (iOS/Android), and “Spiritualcise™” (iOS/Android) have been retired.