a humble Orthodox Christian journey

This is a humble Christian autocephalous closed family communion that focuses on discipleship, spiritual direction, writing apostolate, and celebrating the Holy Mysteries (sacraments, including the Divine Liturgy).

Our worship is orthodox, authentic, deeply reverent, and liturgical, abiding by Holy Scripture and Church Tradition. We follow the Julian (Old) Calendar. We have no leaning to any ecclesial or secular politics, and focus entirely on God and worshipping Him. In daily life, we walk and pray as contemplatives, deriving much of our inspiration from the Desert Fathers, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, and pre-Schism Western saints.

We are self-funding. All our resources and worship are free, and we do NOT require any donation. We seek only Theosis and the pilgrimage towards God together as a spiritual family, supporting and helping each other walk towards God. We constantly keep this in mind – “… freely you have received, freely give.” (St Matthew 10:8)

We will try to bring technologically-assisted methods to bring the faith closer to our families and friends. As one of the beloved Serbian saints, Saint Nikolai Velimerovich, once said, “We must be super-conservative in preserving the Orthodox faith, and super-modern in propagating it.” Technology, at the end of the day, is but an enabling tool. What’s more important is our faith and discipleship.

Let us remember God as a loving God without bias or prejudice, as He loves ALL His creation. Let us also remember the entire family of God’s people, the words from 1 Corinthians 1:10 (DRC), “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no schisms among you; but that you be perfect in the same mind, and in the same judgment.” Let us remember what Saint John of Kronstadt said, to love ALL of the faithful. As we profess to be Christians, let us remember also, “If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you.” (St John 15:18).

Update (20231231) – Since the pandemic, we stopped the Divine Liturgy service and we now focus on spiritual direction and if time permits, to continue our writing apostolate.


Father Raphael+
Spiritual Director

“It is not the number of worshippers but rather those who excel in the right faith, though they are few, that are precious in the sight of God.” – St Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on the Gospel of John. In Latin, we could say, “Non multa, sed multum” (Not many, but much).